On September 17, SCAU hosted delegates from the Cardiff University, UK. The delegation led by Dr. Stephen Bentley, Dean of International, College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, was cordially welcomed by Mr. FENG Lixin, Director of International Relations. They held pleasant and productive talks on promoting 2+2 and 4+1 student mobility programs.
Mr. FENG reviewed progress in student mobility since the two universities had established cooperation. The partnership facilitated students to learn advanced expertise, update knowledge base, and foster an international perspective. He also suggested that SCAU and Cardiff could take advantage of MoE’s policies, which encourages Sino-foreign cooperative programs and collectively-run schools, to forge a stronger tie.
Dr. Bentley thanked SCAU for its kind invitation and recalled his previous visits in 2015. He appreciated efforts made by both sides to forward student mobility programs and restated Cardiff’s commitment to providing international students with professional, inclusive, and enriching study experience. As of 2015, 4 students from SCAU have studied in Cardiff and their performances are really impressive. Upon Mr. FENG’s proposal for a Sino-foreign cooperative program, delegates showed interest and went on to further discussion.
Dr. Bentley brought with him scholars and researchers to deliver lecturers at College of Mathematics & Informatics, College of Electronic Engineering, and College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering. Students enjoyed the opportunities to learn from, and engage with, inspirational academic scholars and researchers.
About the Cardiff University:
The university is the acknowledged leader of higher education in Wales. It is the principality’s only member of the Russell Group of research-led universities and has two Nobel Laureates on its staff. It ranked 5th among UK universities in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) for quality and 2nd for impact. Top 10 REF courses include Civil Engineering (ranked 1st), Mechanical Engineering (4th), Physics (6th), General Engineering (7th), and Chemistry (9th).
Source: the International Office